
Online Therapy for Men’s Issues

Online Counseling for Men in California | Online Therapy for Men's Issues in California

Can’t keep it together any longer?

You likely grew up thinking men should be high performers and strong providers. Or that they need to spend more time “doing” rather than pondering or speaking about how they feel. Be it because of your childhood, society’s standards and expectations, or the stigma around men’s mental health.

So as a man, you got used to stuffing your feelings, avoiding asking for help, and putting up a brave face wherever you go—at school, work, and home, with your peers, community, or loved ones.

This might be easier to do when things are going well. Yet, even when reaching success, you may feel like it’s never enough. And when tension rises, problems pile up, and emotions start to overflow, it gets harder and harder to lock everything away and carry on.

Maybe you are angry and frustrated, so you lash out at your partner. You might be so consumed by stress that you can’t focus at your job, be present with your family, or enjoy the weekends. Or perhaps you are bored and unmotivated because you’ve lost your purpose and don’t know how to get it back.

Gain confidence and skills to handle life’s curveballs.

Power Talk Therapy offers online therapy for men’s issues to adult men living in California.

Seeing a therapist might seem unnecessary and awkward at first. After all, you wish you could find a way to solve your issues without talking in depth about them. But keep in mind that therapy is more than talking.

We can help you recognize, regulate, and communicate your emotions, increase your confidence, and get practical skills to become the man you want to be—a better partner, parent, son, sibling, friend, boss, or colleague.

You don’t have to hold it in any longer. Our goal is that you can walk out of here free from all this pressure and ready to deal with whatever life brings.

Let’s connect to start therapy today.

What is online therapy for men’s issues?

Online therapy for men or men’s issues is counseling dedicated to helping men get to know themselves, address their mental health challenges, and adopt resources for personal growth.

It involves meeting with a therapist who has the expertise, training, and competence to work with men—not only cisgender men but anyone who identifies as a man.

Do you need therapy?

Some men prefer not to talk about their problems (especially with someone they don’t know). Some might not be aware of them but still feel like something is off. While others know what’s up yet believe they should figure out a solution on their own, opting for risky, numbing, or ineffective actions to feel better.

Do any of these scenarios sound like you?

Your mind and body may send you signals to seek help. But are you listening?

If you are showing any of the below signs, consider seeing a therapist:

  • Aches without an apparent cause
  • Anger, aggression, or irritability
  • Anxiety or stress
  • Body image concerns or changes in appetite
  • Depression or self-esteem issues
  • Poor sleep
  • Relationship problems
  • Struggles with masculine identity
  • Trauma
  • Trouble with big transitions (e.g., parenthood, new job, move)
  • Unhealthy behaviors (e.g., smoking, porn overuse, self-isolation)
  • Work or career difficulties (e.g., procrastination, avoidance, lack of purpose)

Now, if you are not experiencing any hardship but would still like some direction to enhance your family dynamics, work performance, relationships, and more, therapy is also a fantastic idea.

How can online therapy help men?

Dropping your armor

Keeping your guard up might be how you’ve learned to walk through life. But it may deepen your shame, disconnect you from your emotions, and prevent you from asking for support when needed.

Online therapy lets you drop your armor and face what you are going through without guilt or judgment—and from a convenient time and place. Nothing is off-limits! You can speak about anything that’s troubling you, including your concerns about coming to therapy in the first place.

Leveraging your strengths

Although you might see vulnerability as a weakness, it’s actually an act of courage that will lift a huge weight off your shoulders.

You’ll recognize how your upbringing, stressors, environment, and societal roles might have played a part in your situation and perspective of what it is to be a man. We’ll also identify and develop your strengths to manage distress and bring you closer to the future you aspire to.

Taking value-based action

Let’s say you understand where problematic thoughts, emotions, and habits stem from, but what’s next? Or maybe you already have the skills required to create meaningful change, yet don’t know how to put them into practice.

As therapists, our job is not only to offer evidence-based insight and tools but to help you use them to get to where you want to go. We’ll collaborate to establish specific and attainable goals based on your values, set actionable steps to get there, and implement strategies to handle difficulties as they come. The purpose is to encourage you to harness your abilities so you can sustain the progress achieved in treatment.


The beauty of online therapy is you can accomplish these results by planning sessions around your work or personal schedule, without spending long hours in traffic or adding another commute to your busy day. You pick the location, time, and therapist that suits you and let the rest unfold.

Power Talk Therapy | Online therapists for men and men’s issues in California

Power Talk Therapy is committed to helping adult men take care of their mental health via online therapy for men’s issues. This service is available in English and Cantonese to men living in Newport Beach, San Francisco, Irvine, Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, Palo Alto, Atherton, Los Altos, Belvedere, Palos Verdes, Manhattan Beach, Laguna Beach, and all around California.

Our therapists specialize in treating men who experience anger, anxiety, stress, depression, self-esteem issues, struggles with masculine identity, body image concerns, work problems, sexual and relationship difficulties, trauma, and more.

We’ll use different modalities and interventions depending on what brings you to counseling and the outcomes you are looking for. This may include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), psychodynamic therapy, interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT), and solution-focused therapy (SFT).

Sessions are open to men of all races, ethnicities, cultures, religions, and sexual orientations, including anyone who identifies as a man. Our style is real, relatable, and affirming of your journey. There will be no hurry, force, or criticism—we’ll follow your lead while challenging you to show up authentically.

Whether you are searching for space, answers, or practical recommendations to navigate adversity, you can count on us. Choosing therapy is a vote of confidence in your therapist and yourself to stand up for your well-being and become your best version.

Ready to overcome?

If you or a man you care about feels stuck, powerless, or lost in a sea of challenges, we are here to support you.

We’ll help you connect with yourself, hone your skills, and take informed steps to tackle obstacles and succeed.

Call 949-229-3221 or contact us to book a free consultation.

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